
Foodie Friday: Vacation Style

This is a wonderful, easy recipe for a on the go snack or light lunch (or even breakfast!) Plus, what sprout doesn't love fruit! Take it to the beach, pool or even the museum in your reusable lunch box and stop the Styrofoam and unhealthy options normally served up at these locations. Go green without sacrificing flavor or fun!

This recipe is from vegan.sheknows.com! Thanks for sharing!

Kid-Friendly Fruit Pita Pockets
Makes 4
  • 2 whole grain or whole wheat pita pockets
  • 8 tablespoons smooth almond butter or other nut butter
  • 1 banana, peeled, thinly sliced
  • 1 apple, pear, peach, or nectarine, depending on the season, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons agave
  1. Cut pita rounds in half to form 4 pockets.
  2. Slather nut butter on the inside of each pocket.
  3. Stuff with fruit, lightly mashing, and drizzle with a little agave.
  4. Serve immediately or, for a change, gently warm them in the oven.

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