
Sweet & Tart berry trip/treat

What a wonderful day! I've always found it important to know where you food comes from and that's especially true with kids. So today we headed out of the city to Olive Berry Acres. 

Upon arrival we were a bit worried about rain, with thunder in the distance. However (thankfully!) the radar proved correct that it was moving the other direction. It made for PERFECT berry picking weather! No sun beating down on our necks, a nice breeze blowing, and the best part... Happy children, getting dirty in the fields. 

My oldest sprout took pride in teaching they youngest which berries to pick and which berries were now ready yet. Both loved picking raspberries and discovering how the berries that are ripe and ready let you know by easily being picked while ones not yet ready still held on. Of course, taste-testing was the favorite with the oldest claiming she would only eat the "funny looking ones". 

The raspberry field was nice and muddy (so much that we stopped for $1 flip flops) but getting dirty was half the fun! Plus, our shoes can be washed but memories are forever. 

I cannot wait to make strawberry jam this week, and will share my favorite recipe here. I've already frozen half the raspberries and made raspberry whipped cream. I can't wait to do even more berry-licious recipes this week...salads, smoothies, muffins, ENDLESS possibilities! 

Head out of the city, get some mud on your tires and eco-live and laugh


Apitherapy Honey

This week at the market I picked up a jar of local apitherapy honey, it's SO delicious! Plus there are a TON of health benefits. I'd love to share a few with you in tribute to yet another wonder from our friends, the bees!

- this honey if raw and unfiltered; it contains propolis, pollen, bits of wax, etc. it's creamy and delicious alone or spread on everything!

- pollen in honey from your local area does wonders to help curb seasonal allergies

- this stimulates the function of the immune system

- great for: coughs, sore throats, some ulcers, bad breath and reduces inflammation of mucus membranes. All because of the propolis!

- see what Dr. Weil says here 
- see what Living Green says here
- check out the brand I purchased here ( it's AMAZING! I got the clover but the buckwheat is great too)