Well, today I read an article on The Daily Green (click here for article link) that was wonderful news! Who knew that you can recycle your used plastic storage bags! You know the grocery bag recycling stations at grocery stores and even now at Wal-mart and Target? You can put the bags right along with those! I'll never trash one again. Recyclebank is now also partnering with Ziploc to give rewards for each bag you recycle (the pilot is starting in Texas). What is Recyclebank? Well, that's for another article on another day, but suffice to say you get rewarded for recycling and get points toward tons of great (often organic) coupons...check out www.recyclebank.com for more information until I post about all their great programs!
So, all my eco-friends, while I am still an advocate for removing as much plastic (and ALL BPA loaded plastics) from your home use as possible I think it is wonderful that we now have this option as well. So if you find yourself with some storage bags that are on there last leg don't trash them...RECYCLE!
I used to always wonder about this. Great to know we can toss them in the same group. Now I just have to get my other bags to the recycling more often!! But I AM much better about using my reusable bags =)